To make the most of planimbAI and to facilitate accurate predictions of AI timing support, we recommend that you follow a few tips and tricks to organize your projects most efficiently. planimbAI will be able to estimate the time remaining for your projects more accurately if you organize them in a fine-grained manner and keep track of your progress.
- Try to divide your project into multiple task areas in order to account for independent or parallel areas of work, avoiding a single endless task list. planimbAI supports up to 5 different task areas per project
- For instance, when writing a thesis, you might want to add separate areas for literature research, practical work, and your written elaboration
- Many professional projects are suitable for being divided into one or more ‘theoretical’ parts that may include research, analysis, requirements engineering, communicating with suppliers or customers,…, and one or more ‘practical’ parts involving your actual productive work
- Try to define only a limited number of tasks per area to represent important milestones of work
- Add as many fine-grained items as possible to each task to represent the actual steps to complete (this is your to-do list per task)
- Define due dates for your tasks and add dependencies between task areas where needed in order to let planimbAI correctly capture the extent of each task
- Remember to mark items and tasks as complete